Wednesday, 17 October 2012

What should you do as a new SFI Affiliate?

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As a new Affiliate to SFI, we all will have many questions on what we should do here at SFI and how we could generate money. So, to answer some of your queries, I just thought of creating this blog, not only for my down-lines, but also for the millions of SFI affiliates around the world. My intention is to give you as much realistic information as possible to the affiliates who are serious about their business and want to achieve success.

As a beginner, you could be clueless on what you should do in this business. I am sure that you will have many questions like: Will you be earning hundreds or thousands of dollar on your first month? What are the things you should do to become a successful SFI affiliate as many of them? etc...

It is very simple. You need to just follow what SFI Marketing program has updated you. Do it with utmost dedication and success will follow. Some of the basic things that you need to do are read LaunchPad, check your To-Do-List daily and accumulate 1500+ Versa Points as fast as you can and become an Executive Affiliate.

Ok. Some of you might be at this level already. So what next? Just like you, I was also confused. Here are some of the things that you can do (I have done and will be doing regularly). You can stay as free member forever in this business. Yes, being an Executive Affiliate will give you the benefit to be part of the Executive Pool (profit sharing), but I can tell you, you will not get the amount that you expect for just being an EA. You need to continuously do the following:

1. SALES. You need to sell TripleClick products (TripleClick is our store). You need to promote TripleClick website to others to join it so that they can purchase items in this site, you need to promote the products to other TripleClick members. You also need to make a SALE to get commission. You even need to make your own purchase to gain Versa Points.

2. REFERRALS. You need to build your team. You will earn commission for the things that your down-lines does like getting Matching VPs when your down-line moved to an Executive Affiliate position (note: You can have these benefits when you become a Team Leader), you earn commission for the products that your down-line purchase from TripleClicks.

3. DUPLICATION. You get hundreds of referrals, so what? Do you expect them to all become just like you? Some of the referral were able to refer 300+ affiliates to SFI, but they only made 3 EAs. The rest, just signed-up and left. Others, they gained VPs for the first day, then the next day they did not visit SFI again. The main point about duplication is that you have to make your down-line do what you do. Remember that you can only be successful if your down-line is successful. If not, you will get disappointed with this business.The key to duplication is communication, always communicate with your down-line about their inquiries and what they need to do to succeed in this business.

Ok. I guess I have given you the heads-up and will keep updating this blog. I hope this helps to take you to the right direction. I am also trying to learn more like you, but I already have the head-start from some of my Sponsor, Team Leads, A2A friends and CSAs).

Should you have any queries, please feel free to contact me at

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