Tuesday, 23 October 2012

How can I earn money doing SFI business?

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There many different ways in which you could earn money in SFI. I am trying to give you an insight of some of the most common ways here. Before moving further, the reads should understand some of the keywords that we use at SFI.

CV (Commission Volume):- Every product at TripleClicks.com has a CV value. This value is determined by the product's margin (The difference between the product's wholesale/base cost and the price the product sells for). The higher the margin, the higher the CV. A product's CV is the maximum amount that can be paid out in commissions for that product.

DC (Direct Commission):- Income you earn each time one of your personally sponsored SFI affiliates and/or personally referred TC Members place an order at TripleClicks.com.

CSC (Co-Sponsored Commission):- Income you earn each time one of your co-sponsored SFI affiliates places an order at TripleClicks.com.

EP (Executive Pool):- A potentially lucrative, monthly income stream available to all SFI affiliates. SFI puts 40% of the CV of EVERY TripleClicks purchase—companywide—into the Tripleclicks Executive Pool. For each VersaPoint (VP) you accumulate during the month, you receive one share of the month's pool. The more VP you score, the more you can earn from the TripleClicks Executive Pool. You can also earn more shares by becoming a Team Leader.

VP (VersaPoints):- Points awarded to affiliates for a variety of actions, as outlined on the VP Ledger. The more points affiliates earn each month, the higher their SFI commissions can go. SFI Power Rankings are also based on VersaPoints.

Ok, now that you are clear with the "SFI jargons", let's move on to the compensation plans that SFI offer to its affiliates. As you move up the ladder, your earnings will also go up exponentially.

When a new member signs-up, he/she will be assigned as an "Affiliate". Once the affiliate earns 1500 VPs, status will be upgraded to that of an "Executive Affiliate". The member should make sure that he/she should maintain 1500 VPs on a month-on-month basis to keep their "Executive Affiliate" status. As an EA, the member would enjoy many benefits including Co-Sponsored Affiliates under them. Once the EA scores 3000 VPs, the status will be upgraded to that of a "Team Leader". There are various ranks in the "TL" status like Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum Team Leader and each of those ranks enjoys much more privileges. I will write a separate blog detailing the Ranks and its benefits at a later point.

Compensation Plan

There are 6 ways in which you can earn money here at SFI namely, Direct Commissions, TripleClicks Executive Pool, Co-Sponsor Commissions, TCredit Bonus, ECA Referal Program and SFI Pay-Per-Action. Let us go into the details now.

1. Direct Commissions:- Qualification: "Affiliate". Each time an SFI affiliate that you have personally sponsored–OR a TC member that you have personally referred–places an order at TripleClicks.com, you earn 45% of the CV.

SFI's Direct Commission program is powerful because once you sign up a member or affiliate, they become your customer for life!* SFI takes care of all order processing, product shipments, and customer service at no cost to you, and pays you a Direct Commission for every order placed by your members and affiliates for life!*

Special Note: For purchases by personally referred TC members, you'll ALSO earn all the VP** on the order–which can earn you additional shares of the TripleClicks Executive Pool!

Earnings Example: An order is placed by one of your personally referred TC members that has $23 CV and 1,725 VP. You earn a $10.35 Direct Commission (45% of $23) and 1,725 shares in the TripleClicks Executive Pool.

2. TripleClicks Executive Pool:- Qualification: "Executive Affiliate". SFI's TripleClicks Executive Pool provides a simple, easy, and lucrative income stream that all SFI affiliates can tap into every month. SFI-powered TripleClicks.com is one of the fastest-growing e-commerce Website in the world, and we now put 40% of the CV of EVERY purchase–companywide–into the TripleClicks Executive Pool for our affiliates to share in!

How to share in the pool:

For each VersaPoint (VP) you accumulate during the month, you will receive one share of the month's pool. The more VP you score, the more you will earn from the TripleClicks Executive Pool! It's that simple. Note that VP can be earned for doing a wide variety of actions.

To earn even more shares, become a Team Leader:

A. As a Bronze Team Leader, you'll receive matching VP on all EA2s in your down-line within 6 levels (including your CSAs).

B. As a Silver Team Leader, you'll receive matching VP on all EA2s in your down-line within 8 levels (including your CSAs).

C. As a Gold Team Leader, you'll receive matching VP on all EA2s in your down-line within 10 levels (including your CSAs).

D. As a Platinum Team Leader, you'll receive matching VP on all EA2s in your downline within 12 levels (including your CSAs).

Matching VP Example: You are an STL. The EA2s in your first 8 levels account for a total of 57,500 VP this month, so YOU earn a matching 57,500 shares of the TripleClicks Executive Pool.

3. Co-Sponsor Commissions:- Qualification: "Executive Affiliate". Each time an SFI affiliate that you are the co-sponsor of places an order at TripleClicks.com, you earn 15% of the CV.

Earnings Example: An order is placed by one of your co-sponsored SFI affiliates that has $28 CV. You earn a $4.20 Co-Sponsor Commission (15% of $28).

How to acquire CSAs (Co-Sponsored Affiliates):

A. A minimum of TWO (2) CSAs are allotted to you each month you attain the rank of EA (minimum 1500 VP)—available on or about the 12th of each month.

B. You can win CSAs in the Daily Grand contest.

C. CSAs can be won via Pricebenders Auctions. D. CSAs can be won each day in the Entrepreneur365 Finalist drawing.

E. Every month, thousands of Co-Sponsored Affiliates are forfeited and need a NEW co-sponsor. Become a Team Leader and a share of all of these forfeited Co-Sponsored Affiliates will be automatically added to your team, with YOU as their new co-sponsor!

• Receive 1 share if you're a Bronze Team Leader

• Receive 2 shares if you're a Silver Team Leader

• Receive 3 shares if you're a Gold Team Leader

• Receive 4 shares if you're a Platinum Team Leader

Important Note: You must maintain EA (Executive Affiliate) status to retain any CSAs you have been assigned. If you lose your EA status, you immediately forfeit ALL CSAs you've acquired to date.

4. TCredit Bonus:- Qualification: "EA2 (minimum second month as Executive Affiliate)". TCredits allow you to take FULL advantage of your TripleClicks membership benefits and can also be used in many ways to build your SFI business. A single TCredit sells for $1.99, but you can receive, as part of your compensation as an SFI affiliate, up to 20 TCredits FREE every month!

• Receive 10 TCredits if you're an EA2

• Receive 12 TCredits if you're a Bronze Team Leader

• Receive 14 TCredits if you're a Silver Team Leader

• Receive 16 TCredits if you're a Gold Team Leader

• Receive 20 TCredits if you're a Platinum Team Leader

5. ECA Referral Program:- Qualification: "Executive Affiliate". Make referrals to the TripleClicks E-Commerce Associate (ECA) Program and earn VersaPoints and lucrative royalties for life!

Simply refer companies that sell products to your ECA Gateway. For each that becomes an approved ECA, you'll earn 10% of the CV on all of their sales at TripleClicks.com. Plus, you'll earn an immediate 100 VP when your ECA lists their first product.

The ECA referral program is very powerful because all you have to do is introduce an ECA to TripleClicks and you're all set to earn royalties for life! Every time anyone—anywhere in the world—buys something at TripleClicks from one of your referred ECAs, you earn a royalty!

Earnings Example: The total CV for all of your referred ECAs is $20,000. You earn $2000 in ECA Royalties this month (10% of $20,000).

Tip #1: Buy from your own referred ECAs and receive "rebates" on your purchases.

Tip #2: Refer customers to your ECA's "store within a store" TConnect Websites. With the combination of Direct Commissions and ECA Royalties, you can earn a handsome 55% of the CV on any sales generated!

6. SFI Pay-Per-Action:- Qualification: "Affiliate". SFI Pay-Per-Action (SFIPPA) is an optional, supplemental income program available to all SFI affiliates that allows you to act as an advertiser for SFI and earn supplemental income by getting others to take actions such as filling out forms.

Each time you generate a qualified SFIPPA action, you earn a bounty. The amount of the bounty varies depending on the action. Two SFIPPAs are currently available (with more in the works):


Bounty: Up to $11 for each qualified sign-up


Bounty: Up to $5 for each qualified sign-up

11 Reasons Why The SFI Comp Plan Rocks!

1. Clean, simple, generous, and fair!

2. No purchase requirements...ever!

3. Start earning income immediately just by doing simple free actions!

4. Earn up to six different ways: Direct Commissions, TripleClicks Executive Pool, Co-Sponsor Commissions, TCredits Bonus, ECA Royalties, and SFI Pay-Per-Action!

5. Qualify for EVERY type of compensation with as little as 1500 VP a month!

6. All qualifying VP can be generated with just actions, or combinations of actions and sales!

7. A huge 40% of the Commission Volume (CV) on EVERY sale at TripleClicks.com goes into the TripleClicks Executive Pool. Share in this big, company-wide pool with a minimum of just 1500 VP a month!

8. With OVER 56000 available products from more than 95 countries, TripleClicks.com has something for everyone. This makes selling products online both fun and lucrative. And it's even easier to earn VP with Transfer Buying (buying from TripleClicks.com the products you already buy elsewhere)!

9. Fast upfront compensation and great long-term residual income potential too!

10. There's no limit to how much you can earn. Go as wide as you want while also earning deep into your organization via the TripleClicks Executive Pool!

11. Get paid in your country's currency via our Payoneer™ MasterCard or via check, PayPal, or AlertPay.

WOW...That's awesome!! Many different ways to earn money ONLINE...FREE OF COST... Why do you want to wait? Just sign-up and enjoy!!

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