Monday, 17 December 2012


The points below helps you understand the easiest way in getting to the Executive Affiliate (EA) status at SFI.

1. Transfer Buying (Fastest and easiest way)

The fastest, easiest way to go EA. Just purchase the same trusted products that you normally get from other sources from instead—transferring your regular purchases to YOUR store. These everyday items could easily accrue 1,500 VP or more for you, thereby earning you EA status essentially for FREE! Choose this method if you wish to become an EA immediately.

The formula for qualifying as an EA via TRANSFER BUYING is simple: Tens of thousands of products are available at your TripleClicks store (with hundreds of new products being added weekly). Each product has a VersaPoint (VP) value. Simply buy a product (or products) worth 1,500 VP or more and you're automatically EA for the month. It's that simple!

"Why do I have to buy something?"

YOU DON'T! You're never required to purchase anything from SFI. Chances are, however, you're already buying many of the same products sold at TripleClicks—but from other stores. By simply transferring your purchases to TripleClicks, you can easily earn 1,500 VP each month and attain EA status and all the corresponding benefits every month! ALL WITHOUT ANY ADDITIONAL EXPENSE TO YOU!

In short, just shop at for the everyday items you're already buying elsewhere... and become an EA essentially for FREE! NOTE: You can make this task even more convenient and ensure your EA status each month with a Standing Order.

Tip: To determine how many VersaPoints a product has, just log in (with your SFI ID and password) at and start browsing. VP totals (along with Commissionable Volume, the Gateway URL, and other information) is listed on Product Details Pages within the SFI "Affiliates tab." You can also use the TC Advanced Search to quickly locate products with the VP you're after.

2. Website Sales

A simple, straightforward method for becoming EA: earn 1,500 VP in sales from your TripleClicks Website. Just refer customers to your online store, and you can earn EA status with as little as one sale! Learn how to refer customers HERE. Note: This method normally takes at least 45-60 days to produce the VersaPoints necessary to earn EA status.

The formula for qualifying as an EA via WEBSITE SALES is simple: Tens of thousands of products are available at your TripleClicks Website (and new products are added DAILY). Each product has a VP (VersaPoints) value. Simply sell a product (or products) worth 1,500 VP or more and you're automatically EA for the month.

Best things about qualifying via sales:

• No purchase by you is required.

• As little as one customer* sale can generate the 1,500 VP needed for EA status each month.

• You'll receive Customer Commissions of 45% of the CV (Commission Volume).

Tip: To determine VP and Customer Commission (CC) amounts, just login at (with your SFI ID and password) and start browsing. VP totals, Commissionable Volume, Gateway URL, and other information) is listed on Product Details Pages within the SFI "Affiliates tab." You can also use the TC Advanced Search to quickly locate products with the VP and/or CC amounts you're after.

3. Action Versapoints

This method allows you to earn EA status by team building and performing other important business-building actions.

"What are action VersaPoints?"

VersaPoints are awarded to affiliates for a variety of actions, as outlined on your VP Ledger. You can earn one-time VP for taking important actions pertaining to building your SFI business, such as completing each LaunchPad™ quiz, reading various SFI how-to articles, and more. In addition you can earn new VP each month for supporting your personally sponsored EAs and TLs, communicating with your team, and other team-building tasks.

DON'T FORGET that the 1,500 VP required for EA status can come from any COMBINATION of purchases, sales, and actions. For example, a personal purchase worth 500 VP, plus a customer* sale worth 500 VP, plus 500 VP via actions would combine to equal 1,500 VP and earn you EA status for the month.

*A Customer is defined as anyone who is not an SFI Affiliate and does not reside in your same household.

Sunday, 18 November 2012

Aadverb Solutions @ TripleClicks

It's my pleasure to announce that Aadverb Solutions has been selected as one of the E-Commerce Associates at TripleClicks. Last week, SFI President, Mr.Gery Carson has officially approved our application and we are now part of their ECA Program.

Please visit to see the listing. We are in the process of listing our products and services. We will keep you posted on the updates.

Saturday, 10 November 2012

Ways to Generate Traffic to your SFI Gateway!!

In this topic, I would like to introduce you to some of the tools that I am using to generate more traffic to my website and my SFI gateway URLs.

There is only one way to increase your down-line. You need to advertise your gateway URL. Where will you advertise? Ok, let's find out.

1. You can place ads in free classifieds. But it is again hit and miss.

2. Get the email ids of people who are really interested in doing affiliate business.

3. Place your ads in traffic exchanges.

Options, 2 and 3 will most definitely yield more traffic to your gateways. I am using these traffic exchanges and programs to generate more traffic to my website and gateway URLs. I thought I should give you the details as well.

Try this out.


Visit this site, register and login. You can send emails to more than 3500 active users once in 3 days.

You should be able to send your personalized emails to users who are interested in joining affiliate networks. If out of the 3500, 10% are going to visit your gateway URL, I am sure, atleast 1% or 2% will definitely join SFI. You can just send all these emails with a single click of the button. Most importantly, you are not spamming. Spamming is against SFI's policies. So you cannot just simply send emails to anybody regarding SFI. If anybody reports this, then your SFI account will get locked or may be banned. So be careful.

You can also place your gateway URLs for rotation so that it will be visible to other people who are interested, instead of we placing ads in many of the classifieds.


Here you can send emails to 1000 people at a time in a week.


Here is another site. They will guide people to your website. Here also, its ad rotation.


Here is another ad rotation website from where you can generate more traffic to your website or gateway URL.

Try all these and see how you are generating traffic. Also, once in a day, you need to check your Hit Tracking page in SFI ( to see from where you are getting more traffic.

Please note that you need to give different key codes to these sites so that you can identify the hits that are coming in.

For example:
etc..for each site.

If you need any assistance, please feel free to contact me at:

Thursday, 8 November 2012

Rules of Success - Lead By Example

If you want your affiliates sponsoring affiliates, referring TC members, etc., then make sure YOU are are doing these things. Do these things and become proficient in these things so you can show and teach your affiliates the best ways to do them.

In the key area of duplication, your affiliates are definitely watching! Show them what it means to be a strong, active sponsor and THEY will become strong, active sponsors and help you further your growth and profits.

Leading by example works in the negative, too, of course. Want a downline of affiliates who do nothing? Then do nothing and that's what you'll likely get!

So...the rule is real simple: Whatever you want THEM to do, YOU do, because they are following your lead!

"A leader is someone who is ahead of the pack. Even if it is only by one inch. They are doing, or have done, what they want or expect others to do. They are not watchers nor do they wait around. They take action...proper action....a lot of proper action! And they never give up!"
-Jack M. Zufelt

Sunday, 4 November 2012

Maintaining Your SFI Executive Affiliate Status

How to maintain your Executive Affiliate Status on a month-on-month basis?

Here are my recommendations:

1. Set a budget that will maintain your EA. ( You can do this with about $30 bucks!) EA is where the magic begins so you want to maintain at least an EA.

2. Examine your versa points ledger and see where you are not earning versa points and focus on those areas.

3. You must recruit like a pro - paid ads work best - free ads do work but you must do a ton of them! It is important to grow your network. By doing so you will grow your commissions.

4. Follow a Game Plan! Here's an example:

* Your Standing Order will give you 1500 VPs - Now You are EA
* Weekly actions will give you 38 VPs (Check weekly)
* Daily actions will give you 240 VPs (Check daily)
* PriceBender auctions will give you 500 VPs (I bid on electronics, CSAs, T-Credits or pick what you want to win and have a plan)
* Submit your rating - Monthly action will give you 10 VPs
* You need an additional 500 VPs from purchases (T-Credits, Radio SFI, Twitter Theme, Facebook Theme, XCards, or TCards)
* You need 3 EA2 to Earn 300VPs - Now You Are BTL

To Go STL and Beyond you will need a combination of EA2s, ECAs, Top20, Reassigments, and Sales VPs.

* Develop those 20 PSAs to 600VPs then Reassign them to your movers - 100 VP
* Top 20 Global Enroller - 40 VPs
* Review of TC Purchases - make 5 new purchases - 125 VPs
* 3 EA2 - 300 VPs
* 3 ECAs - 300 VPs
* Sales - 135 VPs - Now You Are STL
* 6 More ECAs - 600 VPs
* Sales - 400 VPs (Refer TC Members) - Now You Are GTL
* 8 More ECAs - 800 VPs
* Sales - 200 VPs - Now You are PTL

In your next month:

* Reward your EA2s to Requalify - 600 VPs
* SO nets you 1500 VPs - Now you are EA
* Weekly actions - 38 VPs
* Daily actions - 240 VPs
* Price Bender auctions - 500 VPs
* Submit Your Rating of SFI & your sponsor - 10 VPs
* Additional Purchases - 500 VPs - Now You are BTL
* Additional 6 ECAs - 600 VPs
* Sales - 12 VPs - Now You are STL
* Additional sales - (Refer TC Members) 1000 VPs - Now You Are PTL!

Over time you want to create more EAs. In time, you will be able to give your EAs to all of your EA2s as a incentive to maintain EA2. Over time, you recruit more PSAs. You will inevitably build a team of committed Movers. You will eventually be able to give 10 EAs to your EA2 therefore making a BTL when they become EA2. When you have a BTL2 and give 10 EAs to them who become EA2 you will create a STL., etc, etc! Over time you will have PTLs with a solid network and you will have surpassed Platinum Status to Platinum PayChecks! Right now I am creating about 3 to 4 EAs per month. Reward the opt-in and encourage them to maintain this status through regular communication. Reach out to them daily! Ask them how you can best help them achieve their dreams.

Now you have my 'secret' formula so work it and it will work for you!

Friday, 2 November 2012

SFI Rules of Success - Rule 2

Treat your a business!

If you purchased a franchise, would you expect it to make money for you if you only worked it a few hours a week? Or if you didn't get trained? Or if you only tried for a few months? Or if you didn't follow the proven guidelines of the creators of the franchise?

Of course not! That's ridiculous. SFI is no different. Success requires commitment.

I am continually amazed at how many people think that money will somehow magically fall from the sky without work, without plans, or without an earnest commitment. All these elements (and others you'll read about in the following rules) MUST be present.

The fact is, anything worthwhile in life requires effort and commitment. If that were not true, we'd all be the perfect weight, we'd all have perfect relationships, and we'd all be highly educated. It's the same thing with having your own business.

In short, if you treat your SFI business as a serious, full-time business, put in the effort and commit to its success, it will become a serious, full-time business.

"Unless commitment is made, there are only promises and hopes; but no plans."
-Peter F. Drucker

Thursday, 1 November 2012

SFI Rules of Success - Rule 1

DO something to grow your business every day

You will not create a successful business by thinking about it. You will create a successful business ONLY by TAKING ACTION every day. Every day, no matter what, make sure you're doing SOMETHING to further your business. If you're not, you're not even in the game, you're kidding yourself. No business becomes successful without daily focus and action.

What can you do daily? Here are just a few ideas:

  • Follow up with recent prospects.
  • Send out some E-Cards.
  • Place a classified or other type of ad.
  • Send out some postcards.
  • Review the LaunchPad Lessons.
  • Review the Internet Income course.
  • Send out a newsletter to your PSAs and your CSAs.
  • Read an SFI training article you haven't read yet (or review one you have).
  • Contact your sponsor, let him or her know what you're doing.
  • Go to Google and search for articles on how to become a better marketer.
  • Browse TripleClicks for new products you can recommend to your customers.
  • Check the SFI News and SFI Power Tips blogs.
  • Review your Genealogy and TC Member List.
  • Review the Hit Tracker page to maximize your marketing efforts.
  • Start a co-op and invite your PSAs to join.
  • Add some prospects to your ECA database.
  • Review your "My Movers" report (on your SFI homepage).
  • Review "My Goals" (on your SFI homepage).
  • Review the latest posts on the SFI Forum.
  • Tip: Don't forget to use the SFI Power Tools we've made available to you. Put the power of key codes, hit tracking, setting up your own co-op, the PSA Mailer, the CSA Mailer, reassignments, and more to work for your business. To not use these best-of-the-best tools is to operate your SFI business with two arms tied behind your back!

    "The only difference between success and failure is the ability to take action."
    -Alexander Graham Bell

    Saturday, 27 October 2012

    How to generate more SFI business using PIPS?

    Here is one important piece of information that I am going to give you. There are so many affiliate marketing business online, but it is very difficult to find a legitimate one. As per the statistics, 80% of them are scams. Thanks to SFI for being legitimate. They are here to stay and being in this industry for more than 15 years, they have made their name. You need to know that there are more than a million affiliates working for SFI worldwide. Most importantly, they are getting their monthly pay checks.

    If you would like to build your team fast, you can use one of the websites that Stone Evans (SFI Platinum Leader) has created. He is one of the top most affiliate in SFI and is minting money. I am using his product/services (proven services) to get more TripleClicks Members thereby generating more business.

    It is totally free, only thing is that you might need to setup your own domain/web hosting. If you already have a domain, then you can use that, if not, you might need to get one. You need to provide your SFI Affiliate ID so that PIPS team could create a WordPress site for you using your domain. There are lot more than that you could get from PIPS.

    Take a look at the URL below and if you are interested in getting more business, you could utilize this opportunity. Many of the top SFI affiliates are using this to generate more business.

    If you have any queries, please feel free to ask me.

    Tuesday, 23 October 2012

    How can I earn money doing SFI business?

    If you are looking for Real Translator jobs, please Click Here!

    There many different ways in which you could earn money in SFI. I am trying to give you an insight of some of the most common ways here. Before moving further, the reads should understand some of the keywords that we use at SFI.

    CV (Commission Volume):- Every product at has a CV value. This value is determined by the product's margin (The difference between the product's wholesale/base cost and the price the product sells for). The higher the margin, the higher the CV. A product's CV is the maximum amount that can be paid out in commissions for that product.

    DC (Direct Commission):- Income you earn each time one of your personally sponsored SFI affiliates and/or personally referred TC Members place an order at

    CSC (Co-Sponsored Commission):- Income you earn each time one of your co-sponsored SFI affiliates places an order at

    EP (Executive Pool):- A potentially lucrative, monthly income stream available to all SFI affiliates. SFI puts 40% of the CV of EVERY TripleClicks purchase—companywide—into the Tripleclicks Executive Pool. For each VersaPoint (VP) you accumulate during the month, you receive one share of the month's pool. The more VP you score, the more you can earn from the TripleClicks Executive Pool. You can also earn more shares by becoming a Team Leader.

    VP (VersaPoints):- Points awarded to affiliates for a variety of actions, as outlined on the VP Ledger. The more points affiliates earn each month, the higher their SFI commissions can go. SFI Power Rankings are also based on VersaPoints.

    Ok, now that you are clear with the "SFI jargons", let's move on to the compensation plans that SFI offer to its affiliates. As you move up the ladder, your earnings will also go up exponentially.

    When a new member signs-up, he/she will be assigned as an "Affiliate". Once the affiliate earns 1500 VPs, status will be upgraded to that of an "Executive Affiliate". The member should make sure that he/she should maintain 1500 VPs on a month-on-month basis to keep their "Executive Affiliate" status. As an EA, the member would enjoy many benefits including Co-Sponsored Affiliates under them. Once the EA scores 3000 VPs, the status will be upgraded to that of a "Team Leader". There are various ranks in the "TL" status like Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum Team Leader and each of those ranks enjoys much more privileges. I will write a separate blog detailing the Ranks and its benefits at a later point.

    Compensation Plan

    There are 6 ways in which you can earn money here at SFI namely, Direct Commissions, TripleClicks Executive Pool, Co-Sponsor Commissions, TCredit Bonus, ECA Referal Program and SFI Pay-Per-Action. Let us go into the details now.

    1. Direct Commissions:- Qualification: "Affiliate". Each time an SFI affiliate that you have personally sponsored–OR a TC member that you have personally referred–places an order at, you earn 45% of the CV.

    SFI's Direct Commission program is powerful because once you sign up a member or affiliate, they become your customer for life!* SFI takes care of all order processing, product shipments, and customer service at no cost to you, and pays you a Direct Commission for every order placed by your members and affiliates for life!*

    Special Note: For purchases by personally referred TC members, you'll ALSO earn all the VP** on the order–which can earn you additional shares of the TripleClicks Executive Pool!

    Earnings Example: An order is placed by one of your personally referred TC members that has $23 CV and 1,725 VP. You earn a $10.35 Direct Commission (45% of $23) and 1,725 shares in the TripleClicks Executive Pool.

    2. TripleClicks Executive Pool:- Qualification: "Executive Affiliate". SFI's TripleClicks Executive Pool provides a simple, easy, and lucrative income stream that all SFI affiliates can tap into every month. SFI-powered is one of the fastest-growing e-commerce Website in the world, and we now put 40% of the CV of EVERY purchase–companywide–into the TripleClicks Executive Pool for our affiliates to share in!

    How to share in the pool:

    For each VersaPoint (VP) you accumulate during the month, you will receive one share of the month's pool. The more VP you score, the more you will earn from the TripleClicks Executive Pool! It's that simple. Note that VP can be earned for doing a wide variety of actions.

    To earn even more shares, become a Team Leader:

    A. As a Bronze Team Leader, you'll receive matching VP on all EA2s in your down-line within 6 levels (including your CSAs).

    B. As a Silver Team Leader, you'll receive matching VP on all EA2s in your down-line within 8 levels (including your CSAs).

    C. As a Gold Team Leader, you'll receive matching VP on all EA2s in your down-line within 10 levels (including your CSAs).

    D. As a Platinum Team Leader, you'll receive matching VP on all EA2s in your downline within 12 levels (including your CSAs).

    Matching VP Example: You are an STL. The EA2s in your first 8 levels account for a total of 57,500 VP this month, so YOU earn a matching 57,500 shares of the TripleClicks Executive Pool.

    3. Co-Sponsor Commissions:- Qualification: "Executive Affiliate". Each time an SFI affiliate that you are the co-sponsor of places an order at, you earn 15% of the CV.

    Earnings Example: An order is placed by one of your co-sponsored SFI affiliates that has $28 CV. You earn a $4.20 Co-Sponsor Commission (15% of $28).

    How to acquire CSAs (Co-Sponsored Affiliates):

    A. A minimum of TWO (2) CSAs are allotted to you each month you attain the rank of EA (minimum 1500 VP)—available on or about the 12th of each month.

    B. You can win CSAs in the Daily Grand contest.

    C. CSAs can be won via Pricebenders Auctions. D. CSAs can be won each day in the Entrepreneur365 Finalist drawing.

    E. Every month, thousands of Co-Sponsored Affiliates are forfeited and need a NEW co-sponsor. Become a Team Leader and a share of all of these forfeited Co-Sponsored Affiliates will be automatically added to your team, with YOU as their new co-sponsor!

    • Receive 1 share if you're a Bronze Team Leader

    • Receive 2 shares if you're a Silver Team Leader

    • Receive 3 shares if you're a Gold Team Leader

    • Receive 4 shares if you're a Platinum Team Leader

    Important Note: You must maintain EA (Executive Affiliate) status to retain any CSAs you have been assigned. If you lose your EA status, you immediately forfeit ALL CSAs you've acquired to date.

    4. TCredit Bonus:- Qualification: "EA2 (minimum second month as Executive Affiliate)". TCredits allow you to take FULL advantage of your TripleClicks membership benefits and can also be used in many ways to build your SFI business. A single TCredit sells for $1.99, but you can receive, as part of your compensation as an SFI affiliate, up to 20 TCredits FREE every month!

    • Receive 10 TCredits if you're an EA2

    • Receive 12 TCredits if you're a Bronze Team Leader

    • Receive 14 TCredits if you're a Silver Team Leader

    • Receive 16 TCredits if you're a Gold Team Leader

    • Receive 20 TCredits if you're a Platinum Team Leader

    5. ECA Referral Program:- Qualification: "Executive Affiliate". Make referrals to the TripleClicks E-Commerce Associate (ECA) Program and earn VersaPoints and lucrative royalties for life!

    Simply refer companies that sell products to your ECA Gateway. For each that becomes an approved ECA, you'll earn 10% of the CV on all of their sales at Plus, you'll earn an immediate 100 VP when your ECA lists their first product.

    The ECA referral program is very powerful because all you have to do is introduce an ECA to TripleClicks and you're all set to earn royalties for life! Every time anyone—anywhere in the world—buys something at TripleClicks from one of your referred ECAs, you earn a royalty!

    Earnings Example: The total CV for all of your referred ECAs is $20,000. You earn $2000 in ECA Royalties this month (10% of $20,000).

    Tip #1: Buy from your own referred ECAs and receive "rebates" on your purchases.

    Tip #2: Refer customers to your ECA's "store within a store" TConnect Websites. With the combination of Direct Commissions and ECA Royalties, you can earn a handsome 55% of the CV on any sales generated!

    6. SFI Pay-Per-Action:- Qualification: "Affiliate". SFI Pay-Per-Action (SFIPPA) is an optional, supplemental income program available to all SFI affiliates that allows you to act as an advertiser for SFI and earn supplemental income by getting others to take actions such as filling out forms.

    Each time you generate a qualified SFIPPA action, you earn a bounty. The amount of the bounty varies depending on the action. Two SFIPPAs are currently available (with more in the works):


    Bounty: Up to $11 for each qualified sign-up


    Bounty: Up to $5 for each qualified sign-up

    11 Reasons Why The SFI Comp Plan Rocks!

    1. Clean, simple, generous, and fair!

    2. No purchase requirements...ever!

    3. Start earning income immediately just by doing simple free actions!

    4. Earn up to six different ways: Direct Commissions, TripleClicks Executive Pool, Co-Sponsor Commissions, TCredits Bonus, ECA Royalties, and SFI Pay-Per-Action!

    5. Qualify for EVERY type of compensation with as little as 1500 VP a month!

    6. All qualifying VP can be generated with just actions, or combinations of actions and sales!

    7. A huge 40% of the Commission Volume (CV) on EVERY sale at goes into the TripleClicks Executive Pool. Share in this big, company-wide pool with a minimum of just 1500 VP a month!

    8. With OVER 56000 available products from more than 95 countries, has something for everyone. This makes selling products online both fun and lucrative. And it's even easier to earn VP with Transfer Buying (buying from the products you already buy elsewhere)!

    9. Fast upfront compensation and great long-term residual income potential too!

    10. There's no limit to how much you can earn. Go as wide as you want while also earning deep into your organization via the TripleClicks Executive Pool!

    11. Get paid in your country's currency via our Payoneer™ MasterCard or via check, PayPal, or AlertPay.

    WOW...That's awesome!! Many different ways to earn money ONLINE...FREE OF COST... Why do you want to wait? Just sign-up and enjoy!!

    Saturday, 20 October 2012

    What is SFI and Affiliate Marketing all about?

    WANTED: Mystery Shoppers! Click Here!

    First of all, let me give you an introduction on SFI (Strong Future International) and its business model. This will give you an insight on what we do and what you could expect out of this business.

    Many of you might have heard about SFI, but might have a chance to know more about them. "Who are these guys?" and "Is this SFI thing the real deal?"

    Great questions. And you're absolutely right to ask them! If you want to involve yourself with SFI, any company for that matter, you should definitely know who you're dealing with.

    When it comes to finding a legitimate business opportunity on the Internet, it’s a "minefield" out there—heavily populated with questionable, often-illegal money games and here-today-gone-tomorrow schemes. Make a wrong step or choose the wrong company, and you could lose big. Yet deep down, you've probably figured that amongst all the "junk" out there, there has to be a few jewels. After all, the Internet is a huge, multi-billion-dollar marketplace; there's got to be SOMEBODY who's developed a real opportunity for cashing in on it.

    I'd like to start showing you right now that SFI is indeed one of those rare jewels.

    SFI's corporate headquarters in Lincoln, Nebraska

    For starters, you should know that:

    • SFI is now in its 13th successful year on the Internet. In that time, SFI has grown from just one product to multiple subdivisions and 56,023 products and services.

    • With 13,707 new affiliates joining weekly, SFI is one of the fastest growing companies of its kind in the world. See the Global Growth Report to see just how fast!

    • Since 1998, SFI has paid out MILLIONS of dollars in commissions to affiliates in over 190 countries. In other words, SFI is in virtually every country in the world! And in the process, SFI has become, truly, one of the Internet’s biggest success stories.

    • SFI's parent company, Carson Services, Inc., is now in its 26th year of business and is a longtime member of the Better Business Bureau serving southern Nebraska.

    • Working with SFI means having the peace of mind of working with a proven, debt-free company with a long, successful track record.


    WHY has SFI been so successful, while thousands of other would-be competitors have fallen by the wayside over the last 10 years? WHY has SFI become arguably the #1 affiliate program in the world?

    We attribute it largely to the unique makeup of our affiliate program—a hybrid sales and marketing system exquisitely powered by the Internet. It probably also has a lot to do with the simple fact that SFI WORKS for so many thousands of people.

    I hope now you have an idea of what SFI is. I personally invite you to SFI and be a partner in this successful business. It's absolutely free and you do not have to shell a penny. All the marketing material and training will be provided. You can take advantage of the resources available once you sign-up. All you need to do is, click the banner below and sign-up. We will take you thru this wonderful journey.

    How do you sponsor SFI Affiliates?

    Get Paid Taking Surveys at Home. Click Here! To Get Started...

    Use as many methods as you want to sponsor new SFI affiliates. You can get started immediately and at no cost with the methods given below. Then, get started implementing additional methods (X-Cards, fliers, banners, etc.). Use as many methods as you can manage and always remember: Just as a small fire generates little heat, little or no actions will generate little or no results. If you want big results, take big actions!


    1. Tell your friends and family to sign up as SFI affiliates at:
    2. Add your "signature" to your e-mail. Most modern e-mail browsers allow you to set up a "signature" that gets automatically appended to every e-mail you send out. Choose one of these text ads to use for your signature.
    3. Send one of these SFI E-Cards to friends and family members.
    4. Give out this SFI X-Card to friends, family members, co-workers, associates, etc.
    5. Put this SFI X-Card in every outgoing piece of mail you send out (like electric bills, water bills, NetFlix/Blockbuster DVD returns, etc.).
    6. Leave this SFI X-Card with your bill/tip each time you dine out at a restaurant.
    7. Whenever you take a taxi or ride public transportation, "forget" this SFI X-Card on the seat before you exit.
    8. Post these flyers on public bulletin boards in your area grocery stores, fitness centers and gyms, college student unions, Laundromats, and anywhere else that has boards for public postings.
    9. If you work in a large office where a conversation about a sideline home business won't get you in trouble, consider an SFI Mousepad for your desk and/or a coffee mug from the SFI "Shirts & More" Store. When your co-workers ask you about SFI, hand them this SFI X-Card.
    10. Do you regularly walk your dog in parks or other places where there are lots of people? If so, get an SFI dog-shirt. Because it's unusual to see a dog wearing garments, people will ask you about the shirt. When they do so, hand them this SFI X-Card.
    11. Insert this SFI X-Card in books about entrepreneurialism, starting your own business, etc. at your local bookstore(s). When the book is purchased or browsed, your card will be found by someone who will likely be interested in the SFI business opportunity.
    12. Send this SFI postcard or one of these flyers to a mailing list of opportunity seekers. To find quality mailing lists, try searching for "mailing lists opportunity seekers."
    13. Distribute these flyers.
    14. Use a VeryVIP Professional Sitebuilder with Rocketstart package, prebuilt for you to build your network of affiliates. No knowledge of HTML is required. Your Website will be fully up and running moments after you sign up, and the easy-to-use forms allow you to personalize your site if you desire. Traffic statistics keep you informed of the success of your promotion.


    1. Plug in to our global advertising co-op S-Builder and begin receiving sign-ups (both SFI affiliates and TC members). Each S-Builder co-op unit costs less than 72 cents a day.
    2. Post free or inexpensive classified ads about SFI on Websites. Choose from these text ads.
    3. Contact owners of small retail stores and arrange to have them give this SFI X-Card to every customer with their purchase receipt when they check out. Provide them with a supply of cards and agree to pay them three to 10 cents for each card they distribute for you.
    4.Contact local restaurants that deliver food (pizza, Chinese food, sub sandwiches, etc.). Offer to pay them three to 10 cents for each SFI X-Card they distribute to customers for you with their deliveries.
    5. Get your own domain and set it to redirect to .


    1. Purchase "Pay-Per-Clicks" (PPC) advertising. PPC allows you to get your advertisements for listed next to the search results in major search engines like Google and Yahoo.
    2. Build your own Website about SFI and/or featuring these banners.
    3. Once you've built your own Website, contact other Website owners/publishers and offer to post their link/banner on your site in exchange for posting your link/banner on theirs.
    4. Create a blog about home business, Internet marketing, making money, creating residual income, or other topics that would draw people interested in starting their own business. Include in your text information about SFI. And/or attach one of these text ads. And/or include one of these banners on the page adjacent to your blog text.
    5. Write articles about home business, Internet marketing, making money, creating residual income, or other topics that would be of interest to prospective SFI affiliates. Submit your articles to publishers of magazines, ezines, blogs, etc. For "payment," require only that the publishers include your "About The Author" blurb at the end of your articles, in which you refer to SFI and include your Gateway to become an SFI affiliate. Also include your contact information and solicit questions, which can then become fodder for future articles. Special note: Also consider submitting your articles to sites such as and
    6. Sponsor a newsletter or blog.
    7. Contact companies who ship goods and arrange to have them put this SFI X-Card in every order they ship. Provide them with a supply of cards and agree to pay them three to ten cents for each card "piggybacked" in their packages.
    8. Contact direct mail companies and arrange to have them insert this SFI X-Card in every envelope/package they mail out. Provide them with a supply of cards and agree to pay them three to 10 cents for each card they mail out for you.

    Wednesday, 17 October 2012

    What should you do as a new SFI Affiliate?

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    As a new Affiliate to SFI, we all will have many questions on what we should do here at SFI and how we could generate money. So, to answer some of your queries, I just thought of creating this blog, not only for my down-lines, but also for the millions of SFI affiliates around the world. My intention is to give you as much realistic information as possible to the affiliates who are serious about their business and want to achieve success.

    As a beginner, you could be clueless on what you should do in this business. I am sure that you will have many questions like: Will you be earning hundreds or thousands of dollar on your first month? What are the things you should do to become a successful SFI affiliate as many of them? etc...

    It is very simple. You need to just follow what SFI Marketing program has updated you. Do it with utmost dedication and success will follow. Some of the basic things that you need to do are read LaunchPad, check your To-Do-List daily and accumulate 1500+ Versa Points as fast as you can and become an Executive Affiliate.

    Ok. Some of you might be at this level already. So what next? Just like you, I was also confused. Here are some of the things that you can do (I have done and will be doing regularly). You can stay as free member forever in this business. Yes, being an Executive Affiliate will give you the benefit to be part of the Executive Pool (profit sharing), but I can tell you, you will not get the amount that you expect for just being an EA. You need to continuously do the following:

    1. SALES. You need to sell TripleClick products (TripleClick is our store). You need to promote TripleClick website to others to join it so that they can purchase items in this site, you need to promote the products to other TripleClick members. You also need to make a SALE to get commission. You even need to make your own purchase to gain Versa Points.

    2. REFERRALS. You need to build your team. You will earn commission for the things that your down-lines does like getting Matching VPs when your down-line moved to an Executive Affiliate position (note: You can have these benefits when you become a Team Leader), you earn commission for the products that your down-line purchase from TripleClicks.

    3. DUPLICATION. You get hundreds of referrals, so what? Do you expect them to all become just like you? Some of the referral were able to refer 300+ affiliates to SFI, but they only made 3 EAs. The rest, just signed-up and left. Others, they gained VPs for the first day, then the next day they did not visit SFI again. The main point about duplication is that you have to make your down-line do what you do. Remember that you can only be successful if your down-line is successful. If not, you will get disappointed with this business.The key to duplication is communication, always communicate with your down-line about their inquiries and what they need to do to succeed in this business.

    Ok. I guess I have given you the heads-up and will keep updating this blog. I hope this helps to take you to the right direction. I am also trying to learn more like you, but I already have the head-start from some of my Sponsor, Team Leads, A2A friends and CSAs).

    Should you have any queries, please feel free to contact me at