Sunday, 18 November 2012

Aadverb Solutions @ TripleClicks

It's my pleasure to announce that Aadverb Solutions has been selected as one of the E-Commerce Associates at TripleClicks. Last week, SFI President, Mr.Gery Carson has officially approved our application and we are now part of their ECA Program.

Please visit to see the listing. We are in the process of listing our products and services. We will keep you posted on the updates.

Saturday, 10 November 2012

Ways to Generate Traffic to your SFI Gateway!!

In this topic, I would like to introduce you to some of the tools that I am using to generate more traffic to my website and my SFI gateway URLs.

There is only one way to increase your down-line. You need to advertise your gateway URL. Where will you advertise? Ok, let's find out.

1. You can place ads in free classifieds. But it is again hit and miss.

2. Get the email ids of people who are really interested in doing affiliate business.

3. Place your ads in traffic exchanges.

Options, 2 and 3 will most definitely yield more traffic to your gateways. I am using these traffic exchanges and programs to generate more traffic to my website and gateway URLs. I thought I should give you the details as well.

Try this out.


Visit this site, register and login. You can send emails to more than 3500 active users once in 3 days.

You should be able to send your personalized emails to users who are interested in joining affiliate networks. If out of the 3500, 10% are going to visit your gateway URL, I am sure, atleast 1% or 2% will definitely join SFI. You can just send all these emails with a single click of the button. Most importantly, you are not spamming. Spamming is against SFI's policies. So you cannot just simply send emails to anybody regarding SFI. If anybody reports this, then your SFI account will get locked or may be banned. So be careful.

You can also place your gateway URLs for rotation so that it will be visible to other people who are interested, instead of we placing ads in many of the classifieds.


Here you can send emails to 1000 people at a time in a week.


Here is another site. They will guide people to your website. Here also, its ad rotation.


Here is another ad rotation website from where you can generate more traffic to your website or gateway URL.

Try all these and see how you are generating traffic. Also, once in a day, you need to check your Hit Tracking page in SFI ( to see from where you are getting more traffic.

Please note that you need to give different key codes to these sites so that you can identify the hits that are coming in.

For example:
etc..for each site.

If you need any assistance, please feel free to contact me at:

Thursday, 8 November 2012

Rules of Success - Lead By Example

If you want your affiliates sponsoring affiliates, referring TC members, etc., then make sure YOU are are doing these things. Do these things and become proficient in these things so you can show and teach your affiliates the best ways to do them.

In the key area of duplication, your affiliates are definitely watching! Show them what it means to be a strong, active sponsor and THEY will become strong, active sponsors and help you further your growth and profits.

Leading by example works in the negative, too, of course. Want a downline of affiliates who do nothing? Then do nothing and that's what you'll likely get!

So...the rule is real simple: Whatever you want THEM to do, YOU do, because they are following your lead!

"A leader is someone who is ahead of the pack. Even if it is only by one inch. They are doing, or have done, what they want or expect others to do. They are not watchers nor do they wait around. They take action...proper action....a lot of proper action! And they never give up!"
-Jack M. Zufelt

Sunday, 4 November 2012

Maintaining Your SFI Executive Affiliate Status

How to maintain your Executive Affiliate Status on a month-on-month basis?

Here are my recommendations:

1. Set a budget that will maintain your EA. ( You can do this with about $30 bucks!) EA is where the magic begins so you want to maintain at least an EA.

2. Examine your versa points ledger and see where you are not earning versa points and focus on those areas.

3. You must recruit like a pro - paid ads work best - free ads do work but you must do a ton of them! It is important to grow your network. By doing so you will grow your commissions.

4. Follow a Game Plan! Here's an example:

* Your Standing Order will give you 1500 VPs - Now You are EA
* Weekly actions will give you 38 VPs (Check weekly)
* Daily actions will give you 240 VPs (Check daily)
* PriceBender auctions will give you 500 VPs (I bid on electronics, CSAs, T-Credits or pick what you want to win and have a plan)
* Submit your rating - Monthly action will give you 10 VPs
* You need an additional 500 VPs from purchases (T-Credits, Radio SFI, Twitter Theme, Facebook Theme, XCards, or TCards)
* You need 3 EA2 to Earn 300VPs - Now You Are BTL

To Go STL and Beyond you will need a combination of EA2s, ECAs, Top20, Reassigments, and Sales VPs.

* Develop those 20 PSAs to 600VPs then Reassign them to your movers - 100 VP
* Top 20 Global Enroller - 40 VPs
* Review of TC Purchases - make 5 new purchases - 125 VPs
* 3 EA2 - 300 VPs
* 3 ECAs - 300 VPs
* Sales - 135 VPs - Now You Are STL
* 6 More ECAs - 600 VPs
* Sales - 400 VPs (Refer TC Members) - Now You Are GTL
* 8 More ECAs - 800 VPs
* Sales - 200 VPs - Now You are PTL

In your next month:

* Reward your EA2s to Requalify - 600 VPs
* SO nets you 1500 VPs - Now you are EA
* Weekly actions - 38 VPs
* Daily actions - 240 VPs
* Price Bender auctions - 500 VPs
* Submit Your Rating of SFI & your sponsor - 10 VPs
* Additional Purchases - 500 VPs - Now You are BTL
* Additional 6 ECAs - 600 VPs
* Sales - 12 VPs - Now You are STL
* Additional sales - (Refer TC Members) 1000 VPs - Now You Are PTL!

Over time you want to create more EAs. In time, you will be able to give your EAs to all of your EA2s as a incentive to maintain EA2. Over time, you recruit more PSAs. You will inevitably build a team of committed Movers. You will eventually be able to give 10 EAs to your EA2 therefore making a BTL when they become EA2. When you have a BTL2 and give 10 EAs to them who become EA2 you will create a STL., etc, etc! Over time you will have PTLs with a solid network and you will have surpassed Platinum Status to Platinum PayChecks! Right now I am creating about 3 to 4 EAs per month. Reward the opt-in and encourage them to maintain this status through regular communication. Reach out to them daily! Ask them how you can best help them achieve their dreams.

Now you have my 'secret' formula so work it and it will work for you!

Friday, 2 November 2012

SFI Rules of Success - Rule 2

Treat your a business!

If you purchased a franchise, would you expect it to make money for you if you only worked it a few hours a week? Or if you didn't get trained? Or if you only tried for a few months? Or if you didn't follow the proven guidelines of the creators of the franchise?

Of course not! That's ridiculous. SFI is no different. Success requires commitment.

I am continually amazed at how many people think that money will somehow magically fall from the sky without work, without plans, or without an earnest commitment. All these elements (and others you'll read about in the following rules) MUST be present.

The fact is, anything worthwhile in life requires effort and commitment. If that were not true, we'd all be the perfect weight, we'd all have perfect relationships, and we'd all be highly educated. It's the same thing with having your own business.

In short, if you treat your SFI business as a serious, full-time business, put in the effort and commit to its success, it will become a serious, full-time business.

"Unless commitment is made, there are only promises and hopes; but no plans."
-Peter F. Drucker

Thursday, 1 November 2012

SFI Rules of Success - Rule 1

DO something to grow your business every day

You will not create a successful business by thinking about it. You will create a successful business ONLY by TAKING ACTION every day. Every day, no matter what, make sure you're doing SOMETHING to further your business. If you're not, you're not even in the game, you're kidding yourself. No business becomes successful without daily focus and action.

What can you do daily? Here are just a few ideas:

  • Follow up with recent prospects.
  • Send out some E-Cards.
  • Place a classified or other type of ad.
  • Send out some postcards.
  • Review the LaunchPad Lessons.
  • Review the Internet Income course.
  • Send out a newsletter to your PSAs and your CSAs.
  • Read an SFI training article you haven't read yet (or review one you have).
  • Contact your sponsor, let him or her know what you're doing.
  • Go to Google and search for articles on how to become a better marketer.
  • Browse TripleClicks for new products you can recommend to your customers.
  • Check the SFI News and SFI Power Tips blogs.
  • Review your Genealogy and TC Member List.
  • Review the Hit Tracker page to maximize your marketing efforts.
  • Start a co-op and invite your PSAs to join.
  • Add some prospects to your ECA database.
  • Review your "My Movers" report (on your SFI homepage).
  • Review "My Goals" (on your SFI homepage).
  • Review the latest posts on the SFI Forum.
  • Tip: Don't forget to use the SFI Power Tools we've made available to you. Put the power of key codes, hit tracking, setting up your own co-op, the PSA Mailer, the CSA Mailer, reassignments, and more to work for your business. To not use these best-of-the-best tools is to operate your SFI business with two arms tied behind your back!

    "The only difference between success and failure is the ability to take action."
    -Alexander Graham Bell